Governmental Accounting and Reporting
This course on accounting for governmental entities is intended to be used by anyone who would like to gain knowledge of accounting and financial reporting currently recommended for state and local governmental units. The course provides an overview of (1) the fundamental concepts underlying state and local governmental accounting and reporting, (2) the importance of budgetary accounting in government, and (3) the recognition rules and journal entries related to governmental financing. It also describes (1) the accounts and journal entries related to transactions specific to governmental entities, (2) the process of defining the governmental reporting entity, (3) the components of the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR), (4) the reporting requirements for government- wide and fund-based financial statements, and (5) other required information in the CAFR.

Course Publication Date: May 04, 2022

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active self study membership or all access membership or can be purchased for $80.00!

Author:Delta CPE
Recommended CPE:8.00
Delivery Method:QAS Self Study
Level of Knowledge:Intermediate
Advanced Preparation:None
Recommended Field of Study:Accounting (Governmental)
Learning Objectives
  • Identify unique features of the governmental environment.
  • Recognize major concepts of governmental accounting.
  • Identify basic concepts for financial reporting in governmental accounting.
  • Recognize the differences between the various governmental fund types.
  • Recognize the basic differences in financial reporting requirements of the different fund types.
  • Identify how governmental funds are reported and rules for separate reporting as major funds.
  • Recognize key elements of government-wide financial statements.

CPE Depot Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Sponsor Number: 109423


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